In this Sunday’s Gospel, a rich man asks Jesus, “What must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus reminds us that eternal life in the kingdom of God is worth more than all our earthly possessions.
On October 2, the feast day of Spiritan Founder Claude Poullart des Place, Fr. John Fogarty, C.S.Sp. was installed as the new Provincial of the U.S. Province. Four Lay Spiritans made their first commitments, and two renewed their commitments.
In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus uses the image of marriage to speak about the Kingdom of God. Just as marriage is a gift from God, so is the kingdom of God. We have a permanent connection with God.
As one of the youngest founders of a major religious congregation (he founded the Spiritans at age 24), Claude Poullart des Places accomplished so much and influenced so many other young people during his short life.
As a young man, Claude Poullart des Places wrote down many of his prayers as he was trying to discern what to do with his life. Here are 5 prayers that we can borrow for our lives.
Jesus reminds his disciples and us that the call we received is to bring people together even those who are not of our “group.” Moses’ disciples struggled with this as well when they wanted to stop others who were not of their group speaking in God’s name. Moses answered them, "Would that the LORD might bestow his spirit on them all!"
On Wednesday, October 2, we will hold a Mass of Installation for Fr. John Fogarty, C.S.Sp., and a Lay Spiritan Commitment Ceremony at the Spiritan Center in Bethel Park.
For young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), support structures often fall off after high school. With limited post-secondary options, many are challenged with a lack of opportunities and careers. They can end up in low-paying jobs that don’t necessarily match their dreams for their lives. As a result, people with IDDs end up on the margins.
Fr. Nuno Miguel da Silva Rodrigues, C.S.Sp., is one of our most recent Spiritan Missionaries to come to serve on mission in the U.S. Province. He currently lives with the Spiritan Community in Central Falls, Rhode Island.
A new group at Holy Ghost Prep, a Spiritan high school in Bensalem, PA, is encouraging leadership and service in the Spiritan tradition. The group, named “Hearts on Fire” is led by Fr. Dan Sormani, C.S.Sp., the chaplain at the school.
When people ask me how I became a Lay Spiritan, they are often surprised when, without hesitation, I reply it was because I read the Spiritan charism. My journey to our community started twenty years before I knew anything about the Spiritans.
Jesus’ disciples argued about who would be first in God’s kingdom. He reminded them that the one who is a servant of all will be considered the first. Discipleship is about service, not status or honor.
Saint Peter proclaims Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do people say that he is?" Puzzled by the question, they responded with various answers.
Blessed Jacques Laval was a Spiritan Priest who worked tirelessly to empower and care for a forgotten people, to the degree that he was known as the “Apostle of Mauritius." Fr. Laval was beatified by Pope John Paul II on April 29, 1979.
On September 9, we celebrate the Feast Day of Blessed Jacques Laval, the "Apostle of Mauritius." Using the example of Jacques Laval’s life and ministry, here are some things we can learn.