In his own words: “Don't judge by first impressions or by what you are used to in Europe. Forget about Europe, its ways of thinking, its customs, its conventions. Be African with the Africans, and you will learn how to judge them as they should be judged.
. . . Relate to them as if you were their servants and they were your masters, adapting yourselves to their style of doing things.”
During the Congregation of the Holy Spirit's last General Chapter, we once again placed clear and decisive emphasis on questions relating to justice, peace, the safeguarding of creation and universal brotherhood as fundamental elements of our missionary work.
These are guiding elements for our concrete choices of action in favor of human promotion. Let us do everything in our power to ensure that the dignity of persons is the central axis from which decisions are taken on issues relating to the lives of men and women in our societies. Similarly, respect for life should be the parameter that governs all human activities.
These reflections follow the 2024 Francis Libermann Novena prepared by Br. Mariano Espinoza of the Paraguay Group of the Spiritans.