In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus was moved with pity for the people who were hungry and thirsting for the “Good News.” He tells them that there is no need to feel abandoned without a shepherd. The nearness of God’s Kingdom will empower, heal, and liberate all who seek God with a sincere heart.
The leadership style of Jesus is to involve as many people as possible in the ministry of sharing the news of the kingdom. Jesus often wanted to make it clear that the task of sharing the “Good News.” is not the work of one person. As last Sunday’s celebration of Corpus Christi affirmed, we are all called and sent to participate in the up building of the Kingdom of God.
Being called by name and challenged to use our gifts, we are sent to spread the news of the kingdom. The early disciples went to seek out the lowly and those whose needs are the greatest. We too, must count ourselves among those whom Jesus seeks.
God lifts us and asks us to share the blessings we have received as part of the faith community. No sacrifice is too great considering God’s goodness to us. Trusting and believing allow us to leave our comfort zones and become good news in our ever-changing world.