The scripture readings for this Sunday remind us that we all share in the ministry and mission of Jesus. As we share our faith with others, we become missionary disciples of God’s love for the world. We are called to be missionaries to everyone around us.
As members of God’s family, we need one another and must work so that the Kingdom of God lives not only in our hearts but in our world. As Jesus chooses the 72 disciples to go ahead of him in preparing the way of the Lord, we are also called to continue this world of witnessing and proclaiming God’s love, healing and freedom to all whom we meet.
Communicating the reality of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven is our mission objective as followers and disciples of Jesus. This is not an easy task for there will be rejection, hostility, and pain but also filled with joy and hope. God’s comfort always leads us in this mission and we never travel alone for God is with us. “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”(Luke 10:1-12)
We are called to gather the people, the greatest and the least to hear God’s word and to share at His table of welcome where we all come with our hopes and dreams that can make this world a better place for all people. As we celebrate the birthday of this country, the lesson of working together and finding a place at the table for the greatest and least among us is made clearer.