In today’s Gospel, Jesus says to us, Let us journey together. In our sufferings and crosses, we are not alone. Jesus’ example of suffering offers hope even when we can’t understand the presence of suffering in our world.
As we enter the Season of Creation, we are to be in solidarity with those who suffer. Jesus gave his life to show his love for creation. The disciples wondered why Jesus, if he is the Messiah, suffer.
Jesus gives us a different understanding of the Messiah. He is the one who gives his life for many. Many of us have our expectations of God. We may even think of how God should be acting in our world. We must not limit our image of God. Even when these expectations conflict, God wants to bring us to a relationship of love, justice, and peace.
The gift of faith tells us that in dying to ourselves, we embrace values different from those of society. We choose to take up our Cross and journey with the Lord. We must live each day in anticipation of that final call to Glory.