On this Sunday, we are invited to share in the joy of a married couple who shares their feast with us. The couple has no more wine to serve their guests. Jesus and his disciples along with Mary, his mother are present. At this feast, Jesus performs his first miracle as he begins his public ministry.
God's tremendous love for us is shown in our love for one another. The “Wedding at Cana illustrates God’s attentiveness to our needs and tells us that we matter to God. Mary’s intervention and her words speak volumes about how God acts in our lives. God comes to us at our deepest moments of need.
This Sunday’s gospel takes place after Jesus’ baptism and after he called his first disciples. The message of this story is that we must have a listening heart and be attentive to what God is asking of us. Mary’s words, “whatever he tells you, listen to him”, echo the words we heard at Jesus’ baptism- “This is my beloved son in whom I am pleased, listen to him.”
In the scriptures, God's salvation and the Kingdom of God a” story is described as a wedding feast to which we are all invited. We come to this feast even as our needs and concerns weigh us down. In this feast, God is attentive to us. God responds to our needs in ways that are beyond anything that we can imagine.