The Scriptures for this Sunday invite us to trust in the promise of Christ who is the resurrection itself. We must make our souls ready to be alive with God forever. In our Creed, we profess that we believe in the Resurrection of the dead, giving us hope. We must give our all to God because we will rise again.
Jesus calls us to be people of hope. We must not be discouraged by situations in which we find ourselves in this world. We asked to live our life with God here on earth as we would like it to be in heaven. Our relationship with God must endure and become stronger as we journey toward eternal life. Death is not the end of our connection with God.
We must put our hope in God’s promise that he will never leave us or forsake us. God will continue to fulfill his promises. We must not live as those who have no hope. As we live in the love of the Lord, we can overcome any difficulties. The living God provides all that we need. We are transformed by God’s love so that we participate in God’s life. This life by which we are transformed is eternal.
Through the resurrection, our life will be different. We do not return to our earthly life but we participate in God’s life and love. However, we can start living this new life here on earth that God wants us to live forever. God is the God of the living. So as we live, we connect and are transformed by God’s life in us.