As we enter the last week of the liturgical year, the Scripture readings speak about the things that matter the most as we prepare to receive Jesus when he returns in glory.
As we have watched summer turn into fall, we acknowledge that change is a reality all around us. Jesus offers us a message of hope. He tells us that “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. But of that day or that hour no one knows.” (Mark 13:31-32) Jesus’ challenge to us in being ready for the coming of the Lord is a call for us to live a life of hope even as we face the challenges of our lives. The Lord is near.
Accepting change in our lives is not easy. It takes us out of our comfort zones. As things in our lives and our world change, it is our relationships and the values we hold that give us hope. Trusting in the love of God and our families gives us the courage to accept the changes that occur in our lives.
With God’s help, we gain confidence that nothing can separate us from that love and the assurance that God is always with us through it all. As we celebrate this last Sunday of the liturgical year and as wait for the Lord’s return, today’s gospel teaches us about what we must do during this time of waiting. The lesson is that we are to live our lives in such a way that there is no doubt about our trusting and believing in the promise of Christ that God will be with us through it all.