Today, God once again reveals himself to us. The Baptism of Jesus is a revelation of God. This Sunday is the last day of the Christmas season. Jesus is proclaimed God's own Son with whom God is well pleased.
As beloved of God, in our Baptism, we too, claim our identity as members of the family of God, and also our special and unique connection with the divine. This Feast of the Baptism of the Lord reminds us of our sacred connection.
On the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the scriptures read during liturgy teaches that God's love is demonstrated in our love for one another. Jesus comes into the world to save us from ourselves. He came to show us what it means to be human. Jesus was revealed to the world at His Baptism as the Beloved Son of God.
This week, we are also reminded that we are confirmed as God's beloved at our Baptism, together with Christ. This week, we must remind ourselves that we are God's beloved by water and the Holy Spirit. We must demonstrate our faith through service to others. What else can you do during this week to remind yourself that you are God's beloved?
Jesus' public ministry begins with his Baptism. With great joy, the Father announces from heaven that he is pleased with his beloved Son. The Holy Spirit is not just a bystander at Jesus' Baptism but an active participant, just as the Spirit was present at our own. We are God's beloved.