A friend often says "God so loved the world that joy was sent into a world that needed it." Love is the gift of Christmas. From the very beginning of creation, God was always concerned for all creation. With joy and love, we celebrate God’s presence among us.
The lowly shepherds experienced the joy of welcoming the birth of the Savior. While watching their sheep, they encountered the wonder of God’s love. The shepherds and those who first experienced the nativity of Jesus didn’t understand the gift of love that God gives to the whole world. God has not forgotten the promise to bring us true joy and peace in Jesus. God is faithful.
Christmas is a renewal of the world's joy of experiencing how near God is to us. This gift of Christmas is not for just a day. This joy is renewed every time we prepare a place for Christ to be born again in our lives.
The joy of this season challenges us to find reasons to hope. In the circumstances of our ordinary lives, we discover a manger where the hope of the world rests. Even though Christmas has arrived, the joys experienced during Advent continue to prepare a way for the Lord to live in our lives.
Joining the shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and all of creation, we lift our voices in praise to our newborn King! Jesus offers us a new way of being present to the poor and needy of our time. He promises to be with us as he has always been present as the Word dwelling among us. Glory to God is our song and the goal of everything we do.
The blessing that a friend gave me summarizes the season for me. May the Christmas season help us to find reasons to be joyful. For God is with us! Alleluia!”