On this first Sunday of August, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. We are called to listen to the beloved Son of God. It is good for us to be in a place where we can be open to God’s voice.
In the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John with him on the mountaintop. The disciples were tired and afraid. They fell asleep. Upon opening their eyes, they saw Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijah. Jesus is Transfigured in their sight. A voice proclaimed as it did at Jesus’ Baptism, "This is my beloved, listen to him." We hope that we too, will be called the beloved of God.
Our destiny as Christians is to be transformed by God’s love revealed in Jesus. By faith in God, and in his word, we are led to newness of life. As we listen to Jesus, we get glimpses of God’s love leading us to deeper faith. In the presence of the “Law” represented by Moses and the “Prophets” represented by Elijah, we hear God telling us of His love that was present with us from the beginning of time.
I remember a personal visit to Mt. Tabor in the Holy Land. The tour bus was at the bottom of the mountain, and we got into smaller taxis for the journey up the mountain. With the taxi driving at great speed around the curves and heights of this mountain, I was so glad when we reached the top of Mt. Tabor. I can only imagine why Peter, James, and John in this Gospel said, it is good it is to be here. I remember the journey to the top and the contentment I felt when we arrived.
In our lives, we will experience many transfigurations. As long as we remain focused on God’s love and follow the one instruction he gives- Listen to Him, we will see the glory of God before our eyes.
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