The past four Sundays of Advent have been a time of preparation and hope. As we enter the celebration of Christmas, Mary and Elizabeth's example of faith and obedience to God leads us to see beyond our vision and limitations to welcome God among us. This Sunday’s scriptures announces that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah who comes to save us all.
The Church holds on to the promises of God throughout all times, especially when you are faced with uncertainty or adversity. By announcing “God is with us,” God enters human history in a personal encounter of love. Nothing is impossible for God.
These weeks of Advent have been a preparation to encounter Jesus. We must ask ourselves if we are prepared for Jesus to encounter us. Throughout history, God offered us signs to reassure us that God would not abandon his promise to David and his descendants. The Angel Gabriel comes to Mary with the news that she has found favor with God and will bear a son who will be called Emmanuel. Mary answered “yes” to God. This “yes” becomes the focus of our lives as people of faith.
Our faith journey is to recognize God’s plan for us and to remain open to God’s action in our lives. Even Joseph was puzzled by the “Good News” that Mary had shared with him. We can overcome any situation that life may put before us. This mystery of the incarnation is what we celebrate at Christmas. Jesus was born as one of us, fully human and yet fully divine.
At different periods of our life, we have each experienced Christmas differently. As we mature in faith, we realize that Christmas is not about what gifts we receive but Who we receive as a part of our life. Jesus brings us new life, new hope, and new joy! God so loves that world that he sent his only son to be our Savior! This is Christmas. How have we prepared ourselves to receive him and how have we prepared ourselves to be received by him? For this reason, Christmas is not just a one-day celebration but a season.
Let this year’s celebration deepen its meaning for us. May we find room in our lives to welcome Christ who calls us out of darkness into the light of faith that shows the way back to God? Jesus comes to meet us where we are but he never leaves us in the same place. He calls us into a deeper relationship with God and we will never be the same.