This Sunday’s gospel tells of how John the Baptist’s message is a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. “Prepare the way of the Lord!” John the Baptist is presented as one who helps to prepare the way for the Lord. This Sunday’s scriptures remind us that Jesus enters into our human history following a line of holy men and women who looked forward to God’s promise that baptizes us into a changed life. As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: “Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way. A voice of one crying out in the desert: Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.”
Jesus is the long-expected Messiah who comes to save us and give the entire world hope. John the Baptist calls each one of us into this covenant of announcing the Lord’s coming and preparing a way for him. We are to prepare a place for Christ to be born again in our hearts. Through baptism, our hearts are cleansed and we are made open to God’s action in our lives. This is the covenant relationship that makes us God’s people.
Advent announces to us all that -We matter to God! God will never leave us in exile. God constantly calls his people back to him with hearts and hands and voices. We must trust that God’s words are true. God will never abandon his people. We all can imagine that our way of doing things is not the same as God’s way of doing things. Nevertheless, we must continually seek God’s will in our lives.
The Season of Advent offers us an opportunity to witness and proclaim God’s love for us all. The simple lesson of Advent asks us to 1) Be ready to change. 2) Acknowledge that God will help us change. 3) Welcome the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to others along this journey. 4) Always have trust that God is with us. At the heart of this lesson, we must recognize that we cannot do this alone. We need each other. Identify at least one action that you will take this week to try to be more faithful followers of Jesus.
Advent is a season of a faith journey into which we are invited. How strong is your faith? What causes you to doubt the most? Many times, when these questions are asked, we often think of someone other than ourselves who either helps or causes doubt in our faith life. Today, Jesus is asking, who do you say that I am? If what has is true, how has Jesus’ presence in your life made a difference? Do others see in you what it means to be a follower of Christ? Advent asks a new mindset from us. With this new change of heart, we will become more believable as we announce Christ’s forgiveness in our lives and become more open to God’s forgiveness in the lives of others.