Today’s Gospel challenges us to wait and be ready. Most of us have a tough time waiting for the people and things we long to encounter. The parable of the ten virgins points out that while we all want to see the bridegroom, we are not all prepared.
The experience of waiting is not always easy. It can cause anxiety and frustration. This is especially true when we do not know the time or the hour. A fitting example is waiting in an airport for a delayed flight. In this case, we keep our eyes glued to the flight monitors and our cellphones hoping for a message from a family member or friend. When we finally see them, find joy.
Jesus says that the experience of the kingdom is like the ten who are awaiting the bridegroom, and some become tired and do not have additional oil, they fall asleep. Our eyes must be prepared for the Lord before he comes. How can we be ready to see him in the ways he is already present in our midst?
How are we spiritually prepared to meet the Lord? We must fill our lamps with the oil of our lives. All that we hold close and dear. We must be prepared for the journey. No matter how long it takes, we have confidence that the bridegroom with arrive. We must stand ready waiting for the Lord who is coming.
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