This Sunday, we, as a unified body, come together to celebrate our shared identity as part of the body of Christ. At the table of God’s mercy, the greatest and the least are seated together as equals, united in our faith and love for Christ.
Jesus, our strength in times of weariness and our nourishment when we are weak, shares himself as food for our journey. He understands our struggles and faults but does not hold that against us. Instead, we are invited to partake in the feast prepared by the Lord.
As we strive for spiritual growth and perfection, Jesus invites us to reflect on our journey. The Eucharist, a powerful testament to our faith, not only nourishes us but also serves as a source of strength and reflection, guiding us on our path.
Only Christ can take the broken pieces of our lives and put them back together again. In Christ, we are made whole. We share our lives, stories, and dreams in the Eucharist, trusting in God’s goodness and mercy. Gathered around Christ’s table, we journey with each other on our road to wholeness.
How have I been nourishment for others on their journey of faith? Do I express a spirit of welcome to those who come to the table of the Lord?