Fr. Sean O’Leary, C.S.Sp. who worked in Taiwan for 11 years, after 6 years in Ireland, has returned to Taiwan as Pastor of Mary Queen of the World Parish in Houli, which has not had a priest in residence for over 16 years.
His small parish is comprised of Taiwanese Chinese and Aborigine Taiwanese.
Mary Queen of the World Parish is in the Taizhong Diocese, reflected in the accompanying map by the number 3.
The challenge for this small group of Christians is how to engage with the world community and society in the sphere of faith.
Apart from his normal pastoral duties in Chinese and the specified after-care program for students, he visits and counsels young people in prison. His mode of transportation is either on foot or by bicycle.
“… we need to get out of our comfort zones and ‘launch into the deep’ and multi-layered cultures and worlds before our eyes”, commented Fr. Sean.