Spiritan tradition is rooted in mission. With
missions in more than 60 countries around the world, more than 2,500 priests, brothers, and Lay Spiritans work tirelessly to share God’s love and build community in parts of the world that are often neglected. Today’s mission goes way beyond pastoral services to deliver basic human needs, along with a ministry of presence and hope.
That’s why
World Mission Sunday, a global celebration for missionaries of the world, is particularly special to us. Celebrated this year on October 20, it’s an opportunity for people everywhere to come together in prayer and support for the critical needs of the world.
We are reminded by
the words of our chief missionary, Pope Francis, that "this missionary mandate touches us personally: I am a mission, always; you are a mission, always; every baptized man and woman is a mission."
Let us be united and find inspiration in this annual celebration to keep missionaries and those they serve close to our hearts, and joyfully seek out and accept God’s plans for mission in our own lives.