Prayer is an essential faith activity for all believers. It is in these conversations with God that we learn patience, true joy, freedom, and what is essential for us to grow in faith. My grandmother always reminds us that “If we are going to pray don’t worry and if we are going to worry don’t pray.” This Sunday’s gospel from (Luke 11:1-13) opens with Jesus’ disciples asking him to teach them how to pray.
Prayer is not always about asking God to answer our repeated requests. Sometimes, it is about just living a life of gratitude that goes beyond the material things we possess and focusing on becoming more authentic in the way we live and who we are. No matter what, for most people prayer does make a difference. Prayer reminds us that it is possible for things to change.
Seeking God’s will in our lives is a process of letting go and knowing that God will never abandon us. Even when it seems that our prayers are not answered, God is still with us and is important in our lives. Prayer offers us a different perspective on whatever we are facing.
In this Gospel, Jesus challenges us to be persistent in prayer. Our life must be a prayer to God who has brought us far from where we were last year or even five years ago. Prayer is discernment and reflection on the things that matter the most on our faith journey. The Lord’s Prayer that Jesus teaches in this gospel really helps us to focus on the praise of God, whether what we are praying for is enough for this day, the power of forgiveness and being forgiven, and the reality that we cannot live in this world alone. Even the prayer of one person can have an influence on us all. God is always with us.