In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus uses the image of marriage to speak about the Kingdom of God. Just as marriage is a gift from God, so is the kingdom of God. We have a permanent connection with God.
Jesus teaches us that every relationship must be based on love. Our human relationships are one way we mirror and celebrate God's connection with us. We must never take our relationships for granted but nurture and support them with genuine love.
"What God has joined together, let no one separate." God's love, a permanent fixture in our lives, has been poured into our hearts. It is through this unwavering love that we encounter God being present with us at every moment of our lives. This is the most profound way of experiencing the Kingdom of God.
St. Paul also uses the image of marriage to speak about Christ and his Church. Just as Christ cannot be separated from the Church, we cannot separate ourselves from Christ. "What can separate us from the love of God that comes to us through Jesus Christ?" St. Paul reminds us that there is nothing. Life nor death, the past nor the future, worry nor distress can be used as reasons to separate ourselves from God. Jesus affirms that God's love is the ultimate force that will never let us go, empowering us to overcome life's challenges.
In our life-long commitment with God, we are all called to act with compassion and love towards all people. Our relationship with God should be a source of encouragement and a model for all our relationships. As we pray, we ask for God's help in living out our commitment to love and care for ourselves and others, seeking His guidance in our actions and decisions.
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