In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear that “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant” (Matt. 20:26). The sons of Zebedee didn’t know what they were asking in wanting to sit at Jesus’ right and left in the Kingdom. They were asking for privileges and honors. To share in God’s glory, we must be willing to share Jesus’ self-giving service to others without counting the cost or seeking his own glory.
My grandmother often reminded us that there is no limit to how a person can be in the service of the Lord if it doesn’t matter who gets the credit. God must get all the credit for all the good that we do and for how far we have come in our lives.
The motivation of our Christian service must be to serve and give glory to God for all he has done. Our greatness is expressed through our free service to our sisters and brothers in need.
We offer our service because we are God’s beloved sons and daughters. Our service must not be about what we can earn. It must always be about our free self-giving to others and God. Jesus came to show us how to serve and to give everything for the kingdom of God among us. This is true greatness.
Jesus came to serve and to give everything for our sake. He models for us that there is already greatness in service.
Following Jesus, not counting the cost, not seeking our own glory, and seeking nothing more than God’s love and grace is enough to us.