Today, filled with this Spirit, Jesus enters his hometown proclaiming his ministry's mission- the dignity of the human person. This year, 2025, is a Jubilee Year, a time of special significance in our faith, where we are called to be pilgrims on a journey to bring hope to our world and everyone.
Announcing glad tidings from the prophet Isaiah, Jesus outlined God's dream and promise for all people. The scriptures remind us that "many though we are, we are one in the Lord." Jesus will proclaim this oneness throughout his ministry. He comes that we may be one and enjoy the freedom of the children of God.
Jesus proclaims the scriptures from Isaiah, which says, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. The Lord has anointed me. Glad tidings will be brought to the poor, liberty to captives, recovery of sight for the blind, and freedom for the oppressed." Jesus says that this is the work of the people of God. We are all called to continue this mission throughout our lives. The Holy Spirit, our constant companion, will help us and strengthen us. We are not alone, for the Spirit is with us, guiding us in our mission.
These are not just nice words; this is our "mission statement" as followers of Jesus. Our mission, as outlined by Jesus and reiterated by St. Paul, is to recognize the value in every member of our community, to support those who are in need, and to spread the message of hope and unity. Today, St. Paul reminds us that the parts of the community of Christ that seem the weakest are the most necessary while those parts we think of as most important really are not. Jesus's life, suffering, death, and resurrection were all about announcing God's favor upon us all and letting us know that God will never leave us or abandon us in our needs.
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