In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus challenges us to follow his example of unconditional love. “This is how all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” Our world is crying out for love, peace, and understanding. It is by our love and how we live that we find a way to heal our wounded and fractured world.
The kind of love that Jesus speaks about cares for others, and helps to free us from the chains that bind us. In feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and befriending the stranger, we find new purpose and new meaning in our lives. Jesus’ love is about sharing the goods of the earth with those whose needs are the greatest. We must love in imitation of Jesus’ love.
In the love we have for one another no matter how challenging, we can discover Jesus in our midst. While loving others, we are being called to love ourselves. In all things, we must give glory to God. By our love, all will know that we belong to God.
In John's Gospel, Jesus washes his disciples' feet as an act of love in service and sacrifice. In this act of humility, Jesus gives us a new commandment by which we are to live. As we imitate Jesus’ tenderness and compassion, we are given the strength to love every person. We know that it is difficult to choose to love when faced with hatred and anger.
Nevertheless, perhaps the world will begin to know that we are Christ’s disciples by our love. Jesus wants to work with us as we live the dream of God.