It is a privilege to hear the Spirit speaking in our tongue, testifying to the marvels God has done for us. We are never abandoned as orphans, for the Holy Spirit is our advocate, pleading our case to the world, affirming that God's love is accessible to all. In the face of fear, the Holy Spirit, our comforter, breaks the chains of death.
Significantly, Pentecost is not just a day of celebration, but it's also the 'birthday of the Church.' This profound event marks the birth of our faith community, a community that is not to be afraid, but to rejoice in the presence of God's love that reconciles us all.
May this Pentecost open our eyes to perceive God's hand at work with us. May the Holy Spirit rejuvenate us. As Pentecost concludes the Easter Season, we are not just recipients of God's gifts, but we are called to live them out.
The breath of God and Jesus' blessing of peace seal us as his disciples. The joy that we possess is not meant to be hoarded, but to be shared, spreading the love of God. Holy Spirit, claim us as your own and inspire us to action. Spirit of God, fall afresh on us!
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The Spiritans were Founded 321 Years Ago Learn More