We are reminded that Jesus’ authority comes from God. Even the unclean spirits recognize and obey him. Jesus’ ministry is to carry out the will of God. The healing powers of Jesus caused many to believe in him.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus enters his hometown and worships on the Sabbath. Jesus always made time for prayer. People were amazed at his teaching abilities. Even the unclean Spirit recognized him as the “Holy One of God.” In this Gospel, a man meets Jesus and asks him what he came to do. Jesus healed the man of his unclean spirit.
Jesus enters our human history to free us from the things that keep us bound. What are the things that keep us from recognizing God among us? For Jesus, answering this question is the first step to achieving our true freedom. Faith in Jesus’ power to heal affirms God’s wish to make us whole again.
Our faith is a journey in discerning God’s will in our lives. Jesus comes to put the broken pieces of our lives back together. People are often amazed when they see how God works miracles in our lives. Jesus meets us where we are, but he never leaves us there. Jesus is always calling us to our greatest potential.
The liberating actions of Jesus put our faith in God as a priority in all that we do. Devoted to God, we are called to deepen our relationship with God and each other as we are set free.