January 1, 2025 is the 63nd anniversary of the death of twenty Spiritan confreres – nineteen Belgians and one Dutch – who were killed in Kongolo in the present-day Democratic Republic of Congo.
Shortly after gaining independence on June 30, 1960, the Democratic Republic of Congo was faced with the secession of Katanga Province under the leadership of Moise Tshombe. Soldiers of the central government were sent to the north of Katanga at the end of 1961 to suppress this rebellion.
On December 31, they entered the town of Kongolo which had been abandoned by nearly all the inhabitants as well as the Katangese soldiers, who had run out of ammunition.
Our confreres stayed behind together with two diocesan priests, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Kongolo (CIMKO), two foreigners, and the elderly and sick who could not get away.
They did not want to show themselves in support of one side or the other and observed that the central government forces were preparing to cross the nearby river in pursuit of the Katangese troops.
On the night of the same day, however, all the Spiritans, a doctor, a trader, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Kongolo and the junior seminarians, were taken to the army barracks where they were put in cells for the night.
On January 1, around nine o’clock, our confreres and the two foreigners were taken outside and told to walk in single file. It was at that moment they were killed; they fell while giving their blessing to their executioners.
Only one confrere survived, Fr. Jules Darmont, thanks to a soldier who held him back in his cell.
Our confreres knew they risked being killed when they decided to stay in Kongolo; they died remaining faithful to the poor who were confided to their care, as many others have done in Angola, Sierra Leone, Congo-Brazzaville and so on. The names of the martyrs are Gaston Crauwels, Louis Crauwels, Jozef De Hert, Albert Forgeur, Pierre Francis Pierre Gilles, Walter Gillijns, Jean-Marie Godefroid, Bernhulf Heemskerk, Albert Henckels Jozef Jens, Jan Baptist Lenselaer, Désiré Pellens, Joseph Postelmans, Raphaël Renard Théo Schildermans, Roger T’Jaeckens, René Tournay, José Vandamme, André Van der Smissen, and Michel Vanduffel.
On May 14, 2023, Mgr. Oscar NGOY, C.S.Sp., Bishop of the Diocese of Kongolo, celebrated the Solemn Mass of the opening of the diocesan investigation on the Cause for the beatification or the declaration of martyrdom of the servants of God Jean Marie Godefroid, priest and his twenty companions, missionaries of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, assassinated in Kongolo on January 1st 1962. Learn more.
We hope that the whole Congregation will remember the event on January 1st, and during the whole of the year, especially at Pentecost.
[This post has been condensed and was originally published on spiritanroma.org.]