The grant provides training and materials for the operation of the carpentry apprenticeship program targeting school dropouts at Adankwame, Ashanti Region, Ghana. The duration of training consists of three years of practical work. The manufactured products are sold locally, and the proceeds fund supervisor salaries and stipends for the apprentices. The program is collaborating with another training center at Sunyani to exchange woodworking experts and partners in soliciting contracts for large production numbers. The still needed generator will allow them to consistently produce over a longer period, as the they frequently experience downtime due to electrical blackouts in the region.
This economic development project is designed to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for the community of St. Joseph Parish at Tarauaca, Acre, Brazil. It will provide employment for youth, food security, and improve the diets of the people in the community. The piggery expands the scope of the already operating poultry farm, adding strength to their sustainability goal. The grant funded the purchase of piglets, the expansion of the pen, animal feed, tools & equipment, treatment & medication, veterinary care and stipends for the trainees.
$12,000 grant: St. Mary’s Catholic School Yola, Nigeria Project Manager: Fr. Demekpe Patrick Pardons, C.S.Sp.
This grant was to complete the second floor of 5 classrooms and an office at St. Mary’s School Yola Adamawa, Nigeria. The school was established in 2006 and has an enrollment of 497 students. The grant funded the painting, electrical and tile work, as well as the installation of ceiling fans, desks and office furniture. Completion of the work allowed the enrollment to expand by 200 students for the new school term.
Since 2014 the Spiritan Office for Mission Advancement has distributed over $3.2 million to 29 countries addressing the U.S. province’s mission priorities of priest formation, evangelization, education, health & wellness, economic development, social justice and emergency response.
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