In November 2021, the U.S. Spiritans welcomed several new Lay members. We’d like to introduce you to these newest members of the Spiritan family, beginning with Mercia O’Neil.
Mercia’s Spiritan journey began in September 2018, when she was invited by another Lay Spiritan to participate in meetings, prayer, and formation activities to see if she would be interested in joining.
Says Mercia, “I found this community of faithful Spiritan Associates inspiring and very welcoming. I was very pleased to find the charism of the Spiritan Community of Claude Poullart des Places and Francis Libermann what I had been called to in serving God’s people for most of my life.” With the approval of then-Provincial Fr. Jeff Duaime, C.S.Sp., she made her formal commitment as a Lay Spiritan on November 15, 2021.
Mercia is active in supporting various Lay Spiritan-led ministries, including a community food service mission in Hazelwood, PA, the Ceramic Filter Water Project, and the Rich in Mercy Institute, which serves economically disadvantaged communities in places like Haiti and Africa.
Mercia says she is grateful to find the Lay members so valued and called upon to serve by the Spiritan Congregation, including being welcomed at the Provincial General Assembly last year.
A former schoolteacher and administrator, Mercia O’Neil also worked with people experiencing homelessness in Pittsburgh for ten years. Now retired, Mercia is an avid reader of detective novels and has traveled to many states, from Massachusetts to Washington.
Her favorite Bible verse is “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40).
We are so glad to welcome Mercia to the Spiritan family.