This Sunday’s gospel calls us to reflect on the meaning of dining with the Lord. When Jesus met Zacchaeus on the road, he invited himself into his house. How do we welcome the Lord into our home?
On this Sunday, Jesus speaks about our attitude in prayer. Prayer is not about competition or showing that we are holier than others. Prayer is about presenting ourselves before God as we are.
In this Sunday’s Scriptures, we are reminded that we can always reach God through prayer. God is ready to listen to us, but we must not give up before God has a chance to answer us.
In the spring, we sent a donation of $35,000 from the U.S. to aid in this mission which included $25,000 from the Spiritan Office of Mission Advancement and U.S. Province and $10,000 from Duquesne University. Fr. Marek has graciously sent us an update of the situation in his area and some insight into how our donations were put to use.
On October 3, Carol Serafin, Ian Nettleship, and Tom and Janet Berna renewed their commitment to the Lay Spiritans in a ceremony at the Spiritan Center Chapel.